Crew Training Courses

Build your skills and get involved behind the scenes.
Theatre Royal Nelson's Crew Training courses allow members of our community to gain hands-on experience as technicians and fly operators.

Courses are run twice annually, with individual inductions and a combined refresher. Induction courses are for first-timers, while refreshers are for our recurring crew. All sessions are delivered on stage and after work by our Technical Manager.

Attendees receive a take-home resource pack and completing a short test allows them to actively participate for the following 12-months.

Minimum ages for achievement apply, though a person of any age may attend as a learning experience.

$20 per person, per course

June Course Dates

June 2025:
  • Mon 9 June 2025 - Technician Induction
  • Tue 10 June 2025 - Fly Tower Induction
  • Wed 11 June 2025 - Combined Refresher

Frequently asked questions

  • Members of our community who wish to work with our venue's Lighting System (Technician), or operate our fly rigging system (Fly Tower Operators)
  • Anyone whose work falls outside of the roles of technician or fly-tower operator. For example, Cast, musician, stage-hand, props, caller, runner, hair & makeup, set builder, costume, media, door minder. So, pretty much everyone else.
  • Lighting or sound operators where another suitably certified crew member provides guidance and undertakes all other role/system-related responsibilities.
  • House curtain operators for short-term hires when a Venue Technician provides one-on-one training.
  • Industry Professionals.
Attendants must meet the minimum age requirement at their time of training.
  • 13 Years - Technician
  • 16 Years - Fly Tower Operator
A person of any age may attend a course as a learning experience.
That a member of our community may undertake work for which they were trained, for the following 12-months.
Simple! Just attend one of our courses, meet the minimum age requirement (at the time of training), and pass a short online test.
Often shortened to VT, a Venue Technician is member of the venue's technical staff.
The course involves periods of standing, walking, lifting and manually operating lights and/or the fly system. It is taught through a paper-based booklet, with a short written quiz at the end of the course. If you have any access needs/requirements that you'd like us to know about before you take part, please get in touch with our Technical Manager via the button below.
Have Question, or need to let us know something? Click Here.
Are you a high-school student with a passion for technical production and backstage theatre-craft?
VenueTech offers a gateway work placement position for senior students. 
Gateway supports school students' transition into the workforce with structured workplace learning integrated alongside school-based education.
LEarn more
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