The Bootleg Beach Boys perform selections of classic hits, & cult favourites, from California's most famous band. From surf themed anthems such as Surfin' Safari & Surfer Girl to classic muscle car memorable's like Shut Down & Fun Fun Fun, the band have gathered an impressive repertoire of west coast, harmony laden songs, that evoke the spirit and essence of the pursuit of the 1960's American dream.
The Bootleg Beach Boys tackle such classics as In my room, God only knows, Good Vibrations, Help me Rhonda in their hit heavy set, but also pay homage to the genius of Brian Wilson in the form of selections from the seminal Pet Sounds, and cult favourites from the legendary Smile album.
This blend of 5 vocals & infectious sun soaked gems, makes for a memorable night of some of the finest music committed to tape over four decades. You'll most assuredly have fun fun fun till the bar calls last drinks again! A night not to be missed!
Ben McDonald