Performed by critically acclaimed dancer and performer, Rodney Bell (Ngāti Maniapoto), Meremere merges spoken word, music, dance and multimedia design to tell its story.
'This autobiographical, multi-disciplinary and life-affirming survival story drew the cheering opening night audience to its feet.' - Dominion Post, June 23, 2018
'Meremere is a complex work of art where design, AV and lighting play as significant a role as story-telling, music and dance.' - NZ Herald, October 2016
This is Rodney's story - from a childhood spent in Te Kuititanga to an international career and living rough on the streets of San Francisco. Meremere explores the human response to the ebbs and flows of fortune, the transformative journey to inner strength and peace, and the immutable call of home.
Uplifting, surprising, intimate and incredibly engaging - this powerful performance features live music from the exceptional Eden Mulholland as well a mesmerising multimedia collaboration from Malia Johnston and Movement of the Human.
Movement of the Human