Take ten inspiring locals who are making a positive difference for our community and our planet. Give them six minutes each to talk, holding one prop. Throw in some homemade music by folk rock band Mohua Sun - and you have Happyzine Talks.
Speakers include:
Dr Sean Weaver – saving rain forests
Peter Verstappen – turning Wakefield School democratic
Cara Christal – co-leading the Nelson Koha Shed
Ruth Copeland – maintaining authenticity as a Nelson City Councilor
Amy Kennedy – cleaning up the Matai River
Lolly Dadley-Moore – teaching body mindfulness to offset stress
Kindra Douglas – leading positive change in Victory Community
Jettie Skerten - linking volunteers with refugees, helping these newcomers make Nelson their new home.
Cindy Batt – building bridges between the pakeha and Maori communities
"I loved being part of this community, solution-focused, inspiring and fun event," Jo Campbell, Golden Bay.